missing those times
hi.. iT's mE aGeN.. uR FriEnd fRom NoWhEre SpAce...
feel bummed aNd LaZy.. WaNna SpEnd more TiMe wiTh mAh FrieNd--mArJ... haha.. i just miss the times when we just lie down and tell stories, talk about things and stuffs, laugh at shallow jokes and mistakes, reminisce the past and such...

Oh.. what can I sAy?! I juSt miSs ThoSe TimEs... Coz nOw. i'm sure enuf that those days before won't be happening agen..well of course, because of our sKed.. and the fact that I have my own group of friends in college and she has her own... hAaaaaayyy... How I miss the times..
--> hEre Am I with MARJ[right side]
I aLso miss my other bestfriend--mk..She's been like what?! my bestfriend ever since... I can't remember.. what the?! Of course I remember.. since Aug. 11, 2005.. But I never did notice her worth until the "happening-on-the-last-part-of-third-year". Hehe :)...buT sTill how I miss hEr..hehe.. How we bOnded during our "cutting classes" in high school and hang-out at the Guidance office with Mrs. Guro, Ate Nurse, Sir Guba and/or SiR ViƱaLon. BuT ThoSe Days were over.. I know they have their own GROUP OF FRIENDS...and that they'll be BUSY.. mK is the one I really miss!! I miss her a Lot! shhh!! haha.. LaGoT! I got caught na!.. hehe.. sTill, I miss the things I do to her!!---TorTURE hER!!!!..what else!?!?! haha..:D
----heRe Am I wiTh eMkHeY [LeFt]
I LoVe Them..I miss Them.. I miss the way we hang-out..and the things we do to while the time.. and most of all.. I miss the times when we were TOGETHER!!!