Once again, I live-up to the name of being a "late-comer"...
I just learned from my INTRODUCTION TO PRINT MEDIA professor, Mr. Mariano, that I have only 1 absence allowed for the remaining classes... I already acquired 4 1/2 absences and the maximum allowable absences for that class is 5 1/2... !!!
Argh, that means waking up at 7am--doing stuffs--reading, eating and such..
at 8:30am - already taking a bath
at 9:30am - go to school...
coz its better to be too early than to be late...(that's only for INPRINT, though)..
I also enrolled yesterday, well, Tina enrolled me... because since I can't afford to be absent in INPRINT, I asked a favor from her to enroll me (since she already enrolled the day before--darn those LIA-COM! hehehe :) ). I only enrolled in 4 subjects, meaning, only 12 units! WHY? do you ask...? Well, since I'm currently taking FOTOCAM (Basic Photography) this term and not INTRORE (INTRODUCTION TO RESEARCH), automatically, the next major subject I'd be taking is VIDPROD (Video Production), which is by the way--like one of the hardest major subjects in the history of Communication Arts Subjects in DLSU-Manila...
And right now, I'm shaking like hell!!!!!! worried, that I might be a year-delayed from my supposed-to-be graduation which is exactly April of next year.... because of these "HELL" subjects....
So, I gotta go now, I'm again,,, late for my INBROAD (introduction to Broadcasting) CLASS....