Wednesday, November 28, 2007

BLOGSPOT officially closed.

As of this moment, I would like to take this opportunity to those who took their time in reading posts I've written--or typed in this blog... and also to those who took all efforts in writing me a comment--positive or negative.

I would also like to take this opportunity to let you all know that I will not be using this account as my blog anymore... As you can see the last post is almost three years ago and is kind of well, depressing, so to speak... But for my new blog.. my new regular blog...

please visit or just click on the link:

It's still called "Beneath The Surface" but with a different blogsite.

I've written or post on it since August of 2005 and I have been using it on and off (since I also have this blog) until recently... when I figured out how to use and design it effectively... The truth is, however, I haven't designed it myself but just got a code from a friend--applied this and that; and voila! A new colorful blog...

This blog, unfortunately doesn't have any music on it unless I post a link or an html as one of my posts... Although I haven't tried posting a video from youtube. My LJ blog also doesn't have a widget or a tagboard... LJ unfortunately discourage the use of tagboards and applying music on their site... But I posted a link on my sidebar to access my tagboard... Unfortunately(again!) there hasn't been anyone who tagged in my tagboard yet and so I'm hoping for one person to tag and start talkin' coz I'm listening...

Okay, so there... as of now, I'm officially closing this site down but I'm leaving it as it is... for you to view or know what my new blog is all about as I left a link here in my last post... Yes, this will be my last post here in my friendster blog.

Again thanks to all!!!...